Y llegó el 2020 y con la pandemia la gente estuvo con tiempo libre y se dedicó a las criptomonedas. Con esto vino la última oleada. Vinieron las shitcoin, la locura de Doge, los tuits de Elon Musk, y el punto donde estamos ahora. Te lo contamos todo. To the moon!

Imagen: no encontré créditos.

Fuentes / Articulos
– ASARCH, Steven (2021) FaZe Clan members suspended following allegations that their Save the Kids cryptocurrency may have been a scam. Insider.com
– BONIFACIC, Igor (2021) Founders of South African Bitcoin exchange disappear after $3.6 billion ‘hack’. Engadget.com
– GALVEZ, J.J. (2021) El nuevo auge de las criptoestafas copia el viejo fraude piramidal. El País.
– KELLY, Jemima (2021) Tether says its reserves are backed by cash to the tune of… 2.9%. Financial Times.
– MANGAN, Dan (2020) Actor Steven Seagal settles SEC case over undisclosed payments for touting cryptocurrency. CNBC.
– REUTERS (2021) Tether executives said to face criminal probe into bank fraud – Bloomberg News. Reuters.com
– RYAN, Ciaran (2021) Lightning strikes twice for Africrypt’s Cajee brothers. Moneyweb.com

Fuentes / Video
– Canal de Youtube de Coffeezilla.

Fuentes / Podcast
– FRIDMAN, Lex. (2020) Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum 2.0. Lex Fridman Podcast.
– FRIDMAN, Lex. (2021) Charles Hoskinson: Cardano. Lex Fridman Podcast.

Fuentes / Web:
– bitcoiin2gen.pr.co
– Coindesk.com
– Coinmarketcap.com
– Doinkdoink.com
– Ethereum.org
– Gemini.com
– Sec.gov
– Wikipedia.com

Miami Nights – Extended Theme Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License